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Brand experience (which is always a subjective experience) is created by a triangle of:

Who we are, What we say and 

How we deliver (on our promises).


Creating a  brand experience should  never be the sole responsibility of one department. It should be shared by all and owned  by the CEO.


Ultimately, you will not be able to control it and it will be owned by your supporters.

Your brand is your biggest asset.



We believe in brands, but we don’t believe in complexity.


We are all branded whether we like it not - if you decide not to have one, you’ll become branded as the charity that has no brand. So better to consciously think through who you are and how you want  to be seen and experienced  

Organisations can spend months if not years in trying to perfect the way they express their brand.  We say - let’s not!

A good brand is memorable, unique, likeable, approachable and easily linked to your cause / reason for being. 


It unites (the organisation), aligns (the messaging and product offer) and promotes (the cause)

We are happy to work on your brand with you. We will de-mystify the process, clear all the clutter holding you back , and unlock your brand’s potential so that it will be a source of pride and power for your organisation.

If the time is not right for a rethink of your  brand , but you still want to somehow freshen it up

- mostly visually -then we can give it a bit of facelift or even a whole new attractive look through a very quick

and light engagement.



You might have a good brand, but that by itself will not guarantee it is interesting or that it draws any attention to itself and builds your business.


How would you like to be seen and experienced by the external world? What is your unique selling proposition? How are you positioned with the rest of the market and competition?

Do you have a Social Media Strategy?

"You could be the most amazing piano player, but if you never go out of the house, and you never tell anyone you can play really well, and never actually play in public, nobody will ever like you and buy your record. And since there are so many really good piano players already, you have to play a unique set of songs, in a unique manner in the most unique setting to get people’s attention.


If you were a piano player, you might choose not to actually bother selling any records and continue playing for yourself in your house, BUT as we are all in the business for GOOD, we are simply not called to be modest and quiet. We have been called to make the world a better place through our CAUSE and the only way to do that is to make some NOISE about it."

We can help you find your voice and create a lot more noise about your brand. Noise that will make people talk about you. Noise that will increase your followers. Noise that will make people want to be associated with you. Noise that will make them support your cause. Noise that will grow your resources, so that you can help more. Noise for all the right reasons.


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